The program aims to recognize innovation efforts, and hence fostering innovation culture in the coming generations.
The top 3 winning teams for each technology track will be awarded ​
Coming Soon ​​​​​


IbTIECar is TIEC’s graduation projects competition launched yearly in cooperation with different multinational corporations and MCIT’s affiliated organizations. Targeting undergraduates of ICT universities in their final year [senior students], IbTIECar recognizes this year’s outstanding graduation projects.

The competition began, in 2012, to uncover talented youngsters and fresh ideas, products, or services. TIEC recognizes and circulates IbTIECar notable senior projects within the ICT community. In 2019, TIEC is launching the eighth round of IbTIECar.


The purpose of this award is to:

1Discover and connect young talents and innovative ideas to the industry
2Entice graduates to develop new solutions in line with technology trends
3Recognize creativeness efforts and foster innovation culture for coming generations
Support invention, development, and commercialization​


  • Priority to join TIEC Business Accelerator when applied
  • Certificate of acknowledgment for each team member
  • Dissemination of winning projects across relevant industries and academic entities
Competition Timetable
Who Can Apply

Students enrolled in ICT universities, plan their 2019 graduation projects. This includes, but not limited to the following educational entities:

1Faculties of engineering
2Faculties of computer science
3Faculties of science
Faculties of commerce, information systems
Technical institutions
How to Apply

The typical application process will be as follow:

  1. Create an account in TIEC website
  2. • Fill in the application form and upload your project summary document (Max 10 Pages) -according to the submission guidelines shown below- to an accessible drive, and post the link in the registration form
  3. • Projects are scored by the judging committee and the top 5 projects for each track will be announced
  4. • Top projects will be invited to pitch their projects at front of the jury
  5. • Top 3 projects /track will be selected and announced
  6. • Winners will be awarded on the final ceremony day

Ibtiecar 2019 Partners & Tracks Information
IbTIECar ​​ IbTIECar ​​ IbTIECarIbTIECar

 IC Design

IC Design track provides a forum for university students to develop and showcase innovative IC design solutions, including digital and analog circuit techniques, Innovative circuit design methodologies, Circuit modeling and EDA/CAD tools, targeting major improvements in energy efficiency, connectivity and user experience. The goal is to encourage and highlight original design-oriented solutions to the many challenges in these areas.

 Block Chain

The project has to be built based on the Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology has many applications developed based upon on its decentralization concept and inherit security. These Applications include -but not limited to- voting systems, supply chain management, financial services, video games, and insurance services.

 IoT for smart cities 

Internet of things has been on focus for many years as it opens new lines of business and applications introducing new services or optimizing existing ones. Of special interest will be applications related to improved or new services to be implemented in new smart cities or solutions to be used to develop existing cities given their current conditions and infrastructure.

 Mobile Applications

Includes, but not limited to:

  • Mobile App Security
  • M-commerce, Banking and Mobile Payments
  • Mobile Gaming
  • Location based services
  • Healthier personal life style
  • Personal security and Safety
  • Smart and personalized content aggregation


Projects that is mainly based on Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR).

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment (i.e. gaming) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality.

 Federated machine learning and distributed data 

Dell Technologies is highly concerned by the research in the next era of human-machine partnership. By 2030 personalized, integrated artificial intelligence (AI) assistants will go well beyond what assistants can do now. They’ll take care of us in predictive and automated ways.

Current research focus is on deep/reinforcement learning on widely dispersed data from the multi-edge to the multi-core to the multi-cloud. Dell is looking for novel projects that deals with federated training on distributed data training highly accurate models for computer vision use cases without moving the data to a centralized location.”

 Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning 

In this track, the NTRA encourages students to submit their graduation projects that utilize the Artificial Intelligence techniques, either using classical AI or Machine Learning techniques. Projects that are related to the ICT field can participate in this track.

 5G and communication technology trends

All graduation projects developed based on 5G technology are encouraged to submit in this track

Evaluation Criteria

In​The top three winning teams in each track will be chosen as per the following criteria:

1Innovation (Novelty of application, algorithm, architecture)
2Customer Value
3Market Segment ( low/medium/high)
4Impact ( Micro and Macro level)
5Project methodology
6Quality Assurance
10Commercial Potential​



​We open a call to receive judges’ applications every year. IbTIECar competition has multiple phases requiring an array of assessors and appraisers. 

Our judges always include a blend featuring academia and industry. TIEC receives, sorts and decides on judges applications to deliver consistently trusted resulted. 

University teachers, industrial scientists, governmental bodies reps, private sector, scientific societies/research centers members and engineers can apply to be IbTIECar judges.

If you want to apply as a judge, you should:

Hold a Ph.D. or equivalent in topics related to IbTIECar tracks, or
Have a Master’s degree or BSc with professional experience of not less than 6 years in topics relevant to the competition tracks​​​​​
Contact Persons
IbTIECar Dashboard